Sponsorship: de nouveaux enfants iront à l’école cette année!
Les jeunes enfants issus de notre école préscolaire pourront poursuivre un cursus scolaire à l'école primaire privé grâce à nos membres via un sponsoring individuel !

Visite 2023
Visite de Véronique Houdrouge en 2023 de notre orphelinat et de notre école préscolaire dans la région de Arusha en Tanzanie. Retrouvailles avec notre équipe sur place avec Julieth, la directrice, Idaya l'assistance sociale, Hosiana…

FLOOD: APRIL 23, 2020
Heavy rainfalls happening on April 23rd have caused a really bad flood at the orphanage, resulting in many material damages: food stock from the 26 children and staff of the orphanage have been destroyed, the crops from our garden too. This…

Covid-19: Financial support
Because schools and boarding schools continue to closed due to coronavirus, the children no longer receive their scheduled meal plans for lunch and dinner, usually covered by school. As all the children are back at the orphanage, the center…

Arts & Crafts workshop
As we were back at the orphanage in September 2019, we organized several art & crafts workshop at the orphanage to stimulate their creative minds!
From paintings and drawings to bracelet-making, the children got to express their own little…

Boarding school visit
Visiting the older children from the orphanage at their boarding school ! ????Georgina, Lucas, Amidiwe, Gerson and Nelson are in their last year of secondary school and we wish them good luck!

New volunteers at the orphanage!
We were pleased to welcome new volunteers from Monaco at the orphanage. Sonia and Ramzi generously brought so many gifts, toys and toiletries to the children of the orphanage.

New staff on the team !
~ NEWS ~ Meet our new permanent staff member, Jacob, a professionally-trained farmer & agronomist in charge of strengthening our water system, planting and harvesting. Jacob comes 3 times a week to ensure the growth and care of our 1-acre…